First Steps in Music Songs
A Ram Sam Sam:
Aiken Drum:
Al Citron:
All Around the Kitchen:
All the Pretty Horses:
Allee Gallo:
Ally Bally:
Babylon’s Fallin’
Baloo Baleerie:
Bertie Bubble:
Bird Fly Away, Away
Bling, Blang:
Buster Brown:
Bye n’ Bye, Bye n’ Bye:
Bye-o, Bye:
Caney Mi Macaro:
Charlie Over the Ocean:
Cherries are Ripe:
Circle ‘Round the Zero:
Cobbler, Cobbler:
Cock-a-Doodle Doo:
Creepy Mouse:
Down in the Valley:
Dr. Knickerbocker:
Fais Dodo:
The First Little Pig:
Freedom Land:
Frog in the Meadow:
Froggie Went A-Courtin’:
Go ‘Round the Mountain:
Good News, Chariot’s Comin’
The Green Grass Grew All Around:
Had a Little Rooster:
Handy Spandy:
Head and Shoulders Baby:
Here Come Three Kings:
Here the Round the Mulberry Bush:
The Horse Stood Around:
Hush, My Babe:
I Gave My Love a Cherry:
I Have a Little Pony:
I Have Lost My Closet Key:
I Met a Bear:
In the Woods:
Jennie Jenkins:
John, the Rabbit:
Johnny Had One Friend:
Jump, Jim-a-long:
Kitty Alone:
Knock at the Door:
Kye Kye Kule:
The Leaves are Green:
Listen, Listen:
Little Baby Sweetly Sleep:
The Little Mice Go Creeping:
Little Red Bird of the Lonely Moor:
Little Sally Walker:
Lullaby My Jamie:
Mother Goonie Bird:
The Mulberry Bush:
My Name is Michael:
No Bears Out Tonight:
O Misses Sippy-o:
Old Joe Clark:
Old King Glory of the Mountain:
Oliver Twist:
On My Toe There is a Flea:
One Elephant Went Out to Play:
Peep Squirrel:
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee:
Pitter, Patter:
Pizza, Pizza:
Polly Wolly Doodle:
Purple Light:
Rain, Rain Go Away:
Ride Away on Your Horses:
Riding in a Buggy:
Rig-a-Jig Jig:
Ring Around the Rosey:
Ringo Ringo Rango:
Rock-a-Bye A Baby:
Round about the Rosebush:
Sally Go Round the Sun:
Santa Maloney:
Sleep, My Baby:
Snail Snail:
So Fast:
The Tailor and the Mouse:
There Once was a Bumblebee:
There was a Little Hare:
Three Little Kittens:
Three Little Monkeys:
Three Time Around Went our Gallant Ship:
Tommy and the Apples:
Turn, Cinnamon, Turn:
T’was on a Monday Morning:
Walk Daniel:
William, He Had 7 Sons:
Wise Old Owl:
The Wise Man: