Photo: Andy Pauquette
Meet Tavis Schlicker, director of FWCC’s Youth Chorale, and is in his 6th year with us. Tavis went to school in Nebraska and double majored in math and music. Minnesota is his home state and his parents live in a little lake cottage there. He claims Houston, Texas, as a second home though! By day, Tavis is the Director of Choral Activities at Concordia Lutheran High School and has enjoyed some exceptional students and success in his time there. His wife, Jennifer, is the assistant director of Family Life as Holy Cross and coaches boy’s basketball. Their oldest three children (of 4) are all members of FWCC.
1- What do you like best about working with FWCC? FWCC is actively working to support students schools, and singing in our community. I’ve always felt incredibly supported by the organization. They do a great job of putting people in positions that emphasize their strengths. Our students are amazing and dedicated individuals.
2- What is your favorite FWCC memory? Last year’s tour to New York was a highlight. There was also an infamous hike in the woods in North Carolina… But really the performances are my favorite. It’s exciting to showcase the incredible work our students are doing.
3- How would you describe the culture of FWCC? People use the word ‘family’ a lot to describe life with the FWCC. At the high school level, I’m blessed to work with students that generally have been involved for a long time. Many Youth Chorale students have been singing with FWCC for more than 5 years. We even have one singer this year who has been with us for 10 years! That’s more than half her life!
4- In your own words, why should a child consider joining FWCC? Students should join FWCC because it pushes them outside of their comfort zone: musically, socially, and in performance. And that’s how we grow!!