Preparatory Class

The Preparatory Class is designed for younger students, 6-7 years old, with little to no choral experience. Directed by a master music educator, children learn the basics of being in a choir without the pressure of performance. Singers learn rehearsal etiquette and the foundations of singing in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. No placement session is required. Rehearsals begin after Labor Day.



The Preparatory Program is offered in three 8-week sessions.


Classes meet at Holy Cross Lutheran School, 3425 Crescent Avenue


Singers in the program give an informal concert for parents at the end of the 8-week session.


$103/session or $285/3 sessions; Payment plans are available

HOW:  Register by completing the registration form & payment form below. No audition is needed for the Preparatory Program.

Registration is currently closed. Information on our 2025-2026 program will be available soon.

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