Join the Fort Wayne Children’s Choir for our 2024-2025 Season

The Fort Wayne Children’s Choir invites children ages 8 and up to participate in our auditions. Open to any singer interested in pursuing their love for singing and passion for choral excellence, auditions are free and with no obligation.

The Fort Wayne Children’s Choir offers financial assistance for qualifying families.

Audition for the Fort Wayne

Children’s Choir

Potential singers are tested on pitch matching, rhythmic skills, and music theory. The audition session is meant to be relaxed, fun, and non-intimidating, and takes approximately 30 minutes. The child/parents/guardian is contacted with more information following the audition decision process.

Audition for the Whitley Community Children’s Choir

Potential singers are tested on pitch matching, rhythmic skills, and music theory. The audition session is meant to be relaxed, fun, and non-intimidating, and takes approximately 30 minutes. The child/parents/guardian is contacted with more information following the audition decision process.

When my daughter started at Fort Wayne Children’s Choir, she was very shy and introverted. She enjoyed singing but never wanted to sing in front of people. We heard about FWCC and asked if she would be interested, and with much hesitation she agreed to try it. It was a hit from the beginning. She was welcomed with open arms and made to feel a part of the group from day one. Since then I have seen her open up and become more outgoing. She has made friends through FWCC, and I can tell it’s helped her gain confidence in herself which she carries into her schoolwork. She has even become involved in other after school activities like Show Choir Crew and Musical Productions. I credit it all to the FWCC for helping her find herself.



I have seen my daughter grow in her self-confidence.  She has made friends through FWCC, her performance anxiety has diminished, she is becoming increasingly confident in her music skills, and she is really enjoying herself



Hear from our students about why they love the Fort Wayne Children’s Choir

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