Meet Becky Walter, FWCC’s Whitley Community Choir Director. Becky has been a part of FWCC for 7 years, helping us expand our programs to our neighbors to the west. She attended Western Michigan University and earned a Bachelor of Science in Music Education and Elementary Education and a Masters from IPFW. She is an Endorsed Trainer in Education Through Music and is licensed to teach First Steps in Music, a program that takes children from birth all the way through preschool. She lives in Columbia City and has 7 grandchildren.
1- What do you like best about working with FWCC? Working with an organization that finds the very best methods to teach children. And the entire staff– they make it easy and fun and stimulating!
2- What is your favorite FWCC memory?  Every concert!
3- How would you describe the culture of FWCC? Open. Welcoming. Intensely focused on education. Fun.
4- In your own words, why should a child consider joining FWCC? Teaching children about music is one thing. DOING music is another entirely. In FWCC, we teach children about music by doing music. The Kodaly system of teaching is the very best way to ensure student success.
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